Product information:
Color: blue
Specifications: 1 set of boxed adult blue balloons, 1 children blue boxed suit balloons, 1 set of boxed baby blue balloons, tongue depressor adult boxed oxygen bag PCs, box cover adult oxygen bag ball gag tongue depressor PCs, adult Box Set [high-fitting eight-piece set], adult box box [boutique green】 balloon set suit, children's boxed white【 silicone] suit, baby boxed white [silicone] suit, adult boxed white [silicone] suit, blue bare balloon, Green thickening bare balloon, blue bare balloon adult mask, blue bare balloon adult mask air storage bag, blue bare balloon adult mask oxygen delivery catheter, blue bare balloon mask oxygen delivery air tube air storage bag, accessories [oxygen delivery catheter], accessories [gas storage bag 1600 ml], accessories [gas storage bag 2000 ml], accessories [adult No. 4 PVC mask], accessories] children No. 2 PVC mask], accessories [storage box], breather valve head elbow [blue], breathing diaphragm White
Hardness: soft
Material: silica gel
Style: cash goods, fast delivery
Capacity: Independent packaging
Packing list:
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